Spreader and filling knife
Use putty for easy application and leveling of putty, resin or similar. We have trowels in several different sizes and materials, so you can choose exactly the one that suits your project. If necessary, mix your putty mass on a putty palette.

Spekter 88255-51
Japan Spatula Set Metal (5 - 7.5 - 10 Cm)

Inp Quality 23001
Plastic Body Filler Spreader 7 X 10 Cm
There are now a number of different synonyms for what we in Danish call "just" a putty. You may have come across words like putty knives, putty spreader or rubber putty scraper. In many cases, it is simply a reference to what material the putty consists of and for what purpose it has been developed.
Rubber putty - for curves and round objects
Rubber putty is often used for curves and round objects where the rubber putty offers more flexibility.
Japanese putty of plastic and metal
Japan putty is characterized by sharpening even corners, available in both plastic and metal versions. In the metal version, the plastic handle is given a secure grip and the blade itself is flexible and can bend.
Spatula for larger surfaces
Here you can choose to either use a wide putty or a duoflex, where you have the option of pulling a larger amount of putty over a wide area, in a uniform movement to achieve a nice result.
Which putty should you choose?
With all these spatulas, you might be thinking, which one should I choose? Some prefer a certain one, others may prefer another, but it doesn't matter as such as long as you achieve a nice and good result of your work.
The most important thing is to keep the right angle for a nice smooth surface.