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Colour fan decks

Are you looking for color but do not have the right color card? At LAKGRUPPEN, we sell color fans and color cards at good prices.

12 Products
Ral K5 Classic Gloss
1 in stock

Other 12-90

Ral K5 Classic Gloss



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Ral Colour Fan
3 in stock

Valspar 64-001

Ral Colour Fan



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Ral K7 Classic Gloss
3 in stock

Other 12-92

Ral K7 Classic Gloss



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Ral K5 Classic Semi Matt
2 in stock

Other 12-91

Ral K5 Classic Semi Matt



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Wood Color Plus / Ral Color Fan Deck
4 in stock

Sayerlack V01M02C02

Wood Color Plus / Ral Color Fan Deck



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Cromax Power
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Powerpint F1 & F2
1 in stock • While stock lasts

Cromax 8930-16

Powerpint F1 & F2



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Cromax Power
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Flake Selector
3 in stock • While stock lasts

Cromax 8931-05

Flake Selector



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Cromax Power
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Oem Colours 2006 – 2019
5 in stock • While stock lasts

Cromax M-6517

Oem Colours 2006 – 2019



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Bumper Fender & Wheel Fan Deck
2 in stock

Valspar D64-006

Bumper Fender & Wheel Fan Deck



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Cromax Power
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Pro Tinting Tool 2020
2 in stock • While stock lasts

Cromax M-6806

Pro Tinting Tool 2020



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What is color system

A color system is a tool used to identify colors and color shades precisely so that you can mix the same color again.

RAL color chart

RAL stands for "ReichsAusschuß für Leiferbedingungen", and the basic register consists of 210, where the individual colors are denoted by a 4-digit code. Later in the 1990s, RAL was expanded. The RAL system is perhaps the most used system among private individuals, as RAL colors are used in industry and the painting industry. Eg. RAL 9010 is a white color that is frequently used in construction, e.g. gutters, sockets, white windows and doors, etc. You can quickly get a sense of which color it is, as the first digit indicates the color itself:

RAL 1xxx = Yellow
RAL 2xxx = Orange
RAL 3xxx = Red
RAL 4xxx = Violet
RAL 5xxx = Blue
RAL 6xxx = Green
RAL 7xxx = Grey
RAL 8xxx = Brown
RAL 9xxx = White/Black

NCS color chart

NCS stands for Natural Color System and NCS color code, which is also called notification. It is perhaps one of the world's leading and most widely used color coding systems. The NSC system is based on the way we humans perceive colors. With 6 elementary colors, all colors can be given a name or a color code based on how close they are to one of the 6 colors.

Red (R = red)
Blue (B = blue)
Green (G = green)
Yellow (Y = yellow)
Black (S = black)
White (W = white)

The individual colors in the NCS system are provided with a code, for example S 2050-Y40R

S indicates that the color is from the second edition of the specification.

The first two digits, 20, indicate percentage in dark colors.

The two following digits, 50, indicate the percentage in colors.

The last four digits and letters indicate hue, Y40R means yellow with 40% tint in red.

This helps to identify colors and check specifications and with the NCS notation describes the visual properties the color has, and therefore has nothing to do with mixing ratios of pigments or gloss, which can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.

Sayerlack Wood Color (WC) color chart

WC is a color system developed by Sayerlack and stands for Wood Color. The system contains more than 2000 pre-formulated colors for each system (WCP, RAL CLASSIC and NCS color cards) and offers the possibility to formulate new colors through color matching.