Blending tape
Blending tapes are perfect for a number of situations, such as creating a soft transition instead of a hard paint edge. Blending tapes in particular can help you repair a small part of a car, often called spot or smart repairs. Our range of blending tapes can offer solutions for these scenarios, which can both help save money and offer useful properties such as temperature resistance and different flexibility options.

3M 88411-63
Smooth Transition Tape White 6.35 Mm X 9 M 06800

Q-Refinish 10-215-1525
10-215 No Edge Blending Tape Flexible
Create a smooth transition
Blending tapes make it easy to achieve a flawless result, especially for smaller repairs, such as spot or smart repairs, where only a small part of the car's surface needs to be treated. This makes them ideal for repairing scratches, minor damage or paint damage quickly and efficiently without having to repaint large areas.
Ideal for spot and smart repairs
Blending tapes are also easy to use and ensure a fast workflow, as they can be placed and removed without damaging the surrounding work. Whether you're working on a car, van or motorcycle, you can trust that blending tapes will deliver a professional result every time.
The benefits of blending tapes include:
Smooth transitions: Perfect for creating an almost invisible transition in the paintwork.
Efficiency: Save time and materials by only repairing the areas needed.
Ease of use: Quick set-up and gentle removal.
If you want a professional finish and a more efficient workflow, blending tapes are the right choice for you. At Lakgruppen we strive to deliver products of the best quality that professionals can use, if you have any questions about blending tapes or anything else, you are more than welcome to contact us.