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A thinner is used to regulate viscosity and evaporation rate in paint, primer, filler or clear coat. With a thinner, the application properties can be adjusted so that the product can be used optimally in several different environments, depending on temperature and humidity.

53 Products
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70-310 Thinner Ad Summer
468 in stock

Q-Refinish 70-310-1000

70-310 Thinner Ad Summer

1 L


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60-100-6 Universal Thinner Long
20 in stock

Swin Lacksysteme 2360100060

60-100-6 Universal Thinner Long

6 L


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60-102-6 Universal Thinner Short
119 in stock

Swin Lacksysteme 2360102060

60-102-6 Universal Thinner Short

6 L


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60-104-5 Universal Thinner Activated
7 in stock

Swin Lacksysteme 2360104050

60-104-5 Universal Thinner Activated

5 L


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60-107-5 Einstellzusatz Extra Lang
11 in stock

Swin Lacksysteme 2360107050

60-107-5 Einstellzusatz Extra Lang

5 L


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Rs405 Epoxy Reducer
3 in stock

Valspar IME-RS405

Rs405 Epoxy Reducer

5 L


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Rs605 Universal Reducer Medium
1 in stock

Valspar IME-RS605

Rs605 Universal Reducer Medium

5 L


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Md0200/00 Pu Thinner
57 in stock

Sayerlack MD0200/00-5

Md0200/00 Pu Thinner

5 L


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Dt0436/00 Pu Thinner Medium
84 in stock

Sayerlack DT0436/00-6

Dt0436/00 Pu Thinner Medium

6 L


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Dt0441/00 Pu Thinner Extra Slow
9 in stock

Sayerlack DT0441/00-6

Dt0441/00 Pu Thinner Extra Slow

6 L


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Olv 1129 Thinner
1 in stock • While stock lasts

Teknos 1129-11-20

Olv 1129 Thinner

20 L


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Olv 6020 Thinner
2 in stock

Teknos 6020-20

Olv 6020 Thinner

20 L


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Olv 6340 Thinner
1 in stock

Teknos 6340-20

Olv 6340 Thinner

20 L


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Olv 7120 Thinner
2 in stock

Teknos 7120-20

Olv 7120 Thinner

20 L


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Olv 9521 Thinner
5 in stock

Teknos 9521-00-20

Olv 9521 Thinner

20 L


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Thinners have a general purpose and are used for a wide range of varieties. Very commonly, a thinner is used as a solvent to clean brushes, spray guns, or tools after paint jobs. But importantly thinners are used to regulate the paint, primer, filler, or clear coat viscosity and evaporation rates. After that, it will be easier to use the paint for certain materials or painting applications.

How much thinner shall I use?

The ratio of reducers or thinners that should be used for water-based paints, solvent-based paints, and acrylic paints, differs. We always recommend that you follow the manufacturer's recommendation for mixing ratio, and this includes diluents often. Failure to follow the manufacturer's recommendation will often result in your result not being as expected.

Thinner for car paint

On many occasions, a thinner for car paint makes sense. When painting a car, there are several factors that have to be calculated. By using a thinner for car paint, it can be easier to apply to paint and it can be used to dissolve any clogs that may occur when applying, and often thinner is often mentioned in the mixing ratio of the product.

Quick Thinner (Short Thinner): Denna typ av thinner används vanligtvis vid lägre temperaturer (t.ex. under 15°C). Det bidrar till att färgen torkar snabbare under svalare förhållanden, där torktiden annars kan vara för långsam.

Normal Thinner (Medium Thinner): Denna thinner är idealisk för måttliga temperaturer och normala väderförhållanden (t.ex. mellan 15°C och 25°C). Det ger en bra balans mellan torktid och hantering av färgen under dessa typiska förhållanden.

Slow Thinner (Long Thinner): Använd vid höga temperaturer och varmt väder (t.ex. över 25°C). Denna thinner förlänger torktiden och förhindrar att färgen torkar för snabbt vid höga omgivningstemperaturer.

Thinner for clear coat

Just like with paint, a thinner is also a great option when spraying clear coats. Adding a small percentage of thinner or reducer will thin out your clear coat, making it easier to atomize and give it a better flow while it is drying out.

Cellulose thinners and other thinners

Our wide range of thinner products also includes cellulose thinner and different fade-out thinners, which are also commonly used when working on a car. Thinners are in most cases a great option – depending on the type of work that has to be done. We recommend before applying, that you check the requirements and the best usage options for any type of thinner to get the best result possible.

What is a fade-out thinner?

A special thinner used for spot repair and has the property of melting or blending the old paint together with the new paint. Often sold in a spray for easy usage.