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Wb2040 Pro Controller

About the product

Cromax WB2040 Cromax Pro Controller is designed to be used with Cromax's water-based basecoat systems, such as Cromax Pro Basecoat or Cromax Basecoat.

The purpose of the Cromax WB2040 controller is to allow you to adjust the base color so that it is ready to spray. Use of Cromax WB2040 appears in the prescription if it is to be used.

The Cromax WB2040 controller is an important part of the water-based Cromax Pro basecoat system. It provides a level of precision and accuracy essential to achieving high quality results and satisfied customers.123

The purpose of the Cromax WB2040 controller is to allow you to adjust the base color so that it is ready to spray. Use of Cromax WB2040 appears in the prescription if it is to be used.

The Cromax WB2040 controller is an important part of the water-based Cromax Pro basecoat system. It provides a level of precision and accuracy essential to achieving high quality results and satisfied customers.123

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Wb2040 Pro Controller

  • Stock: 2 in stock • While stock lasts
  • Item no.: 61001-72
  • Unit: 3,50 L
Limited quantity - item is being omitted