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05720 Monoprimer

About the product

05720 Monoprimer is a one-pack grey anti-corrosion primer. Chromate-free. Suitable as an anti-corrosion primer and adhesion promoter in car and truck refinish and in the industry field in general.


Fast drying

Excellent adhesion on: Steel, Stainless steel, Electrolytic galvanised and hot dip zinc-coated steel, Aluminium and light alloys, Excellent anti-corrosion protection

Good weldability (no combustion flame)

Can be directly overcoated with fillers and topcoats, if used on small surfaces


Black steel sheet: microsandblast and sand.

Steel sheet: degrease carefully with 00695 SILICONE REMOVER SLOW, sand or sandblast.

Aluminium and light alloys: degrease carefully with 00695 SILICONE REMOVER SLOW, sand or rub down.

Electrolytic galvanised steel: degrease carefully with 00695 SILICONE REMOVER SLOW.

Hot dip zinc-coated steel: degrease with 00695 SILICONE REMOVER SLOW and sand or rub down.

Pre-existent coatings: do not apply on solvent-sensitive films. Degrease with 00665 HYDROCLEANER SLOW / 00699 HYDROCLEANER.

NOTE: The adhesion on aluminium alloys and zinc-coated steel sheets must be previously tested.


Mixing ratio: weight / volume

1000 parts 05720 MONOPRIMER 

600-800 parts 00535 EPOFAN THINNER or 00551-00552 LECHLEROID THINNER or 00740-00741-00742 AUTOREFINISHING THINNER  

Spray viscosity at 20 °C: 15-18” DIN4

Ø Air cap: 1,2 – 1,4 mm; HVLP: 1,3 mm

Air pressure: according to gun producer’s instructions; HVLP: 2 Atm

N° of coats: 1-2 Film thickness: 10-20 µ

Theoretical coverage: 1 kg mixture / 1 l mixture =7 m² at 20 µ

DIR 2004/42/CE: Primer IIB/c – VOC ready for use 780 g/l This product ready for use contains at most 780 g/l VOC


Air drying at 20 °C Dust-free: 15 min. Tack-free: 20-30 min. Through-drying: 24 h


Wet-on-wet processes Allow to flash-off for 20-60 min. at 20°C and overcoat with · Polyurethane fillers for d/d and w/w processes + HYDROFAN BASECOAT, MACROFAN finishes.

Dry-on-dry processes After 24 hour drying the primer must be sanded or rubbed down before overcoating with the abovementioned products.


Do not overapply putties, polyester fillers and nitro top coats.

The thinned product must be kept in plastic or inside lined cans (possibly the same cans where it has been packed).

The product can be also overcoated with nitro fillers and 2K synthetic, polyurethane topcoats.


  • Industries: Car Refinish
  • Brand: Lechler
  • Color: Grey
  • EAN: 8023816003340
  • Supplier item no.: L0050720L2.5
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05720 Monoprimer

  • Stock: 6 in stock
  • Item no.: L0050720L2,5
  • Unit: 2,50 L
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