RAL 9010 and other shades of white

White is not just white
If you are one of those who are convinced that RAL 9010 is the "purest/brightest" white color there is, and I can understand you, because the RAL color itself is called pure white. RAL 9010 is actually not completely white, but more like a tone that is light and warm with a clear turn towards golden.
In addition to there being different shades of white in the RAL color scale, the different paint manufacturers, e.g. Dyrup, Beck and Jørgensen, JOTUN may also have their own interpretations of different white shades such as off-white, fashion white, lime white, off-white and light off-white.
White is associated by many with purity, peace, tranquility and balance. But the process of choosing the perfect white shade can end up being less than peaceful. White paint is available in many different shades.
RAL 9010, RAL 9016, RAL 9001 - what's the difference?
Three popular white RAL colours that we often mix on our colouring systems.
RAL 9010 has a golden undertone and can be described more as an "eggshell white". Its popularity is due to the fact that it is a bit warmer and softer than the actual pure white paints, as they do not contain any pigments.
RAL 9001 is a bit darker and can even be considered a very light beige.
RAL 9016 is more of a greyish white and a bit more "cold".
Below you can see some white RAL colours next to each other for comparison.

RAL 9001
RAL 9001 - Cream. Broken with a bit of ochre (yellow), red (to give it a warm hue) and a bit of grey.
RAL 9002
RAL 9002 - grey-white. White shade that is tinted with quite a bit of black. It covers well, and can be good for creating contrast with the ceiling, which may be completely white. The color is also less delicate as a "white-white" color.
RAL 9003
RAL 9003 - signal white. This shade is slightly whiter in its expression.
RAL 9010
RAL 9010 - pure white. The industry standard white for doors, windows and other woodwork. Although the color is called pure white, the color tone actually stands out from white, as the tone is light and warm with a clear turn towards gold.
RAL 9016
RAL 9016 - traffic white. Compared to the other white shades, RAL 9016 is somewhat whiter and therefore this RAL color is used for road stripe paint and signs.
Please remember that on-screen representations of these colors are not 100% accurate.
Things that can affect the white shade
Light from an outdoor or indoor light source can have a big impact on how white paint reflects off the wall. For example,
walls exposed to strong sunlight usually look better with a softer, slightly darker white.
the surface being painted and the material being painted can also have an effect and should be considered when choosing the right shade of white.
The larger the area, the brighter the white will appear.