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Teknocoat Aqua 1879-03 Ts0025 Clear

About the product

Teknocoat Aqua 1879-03 is a polyurethane reinforced, water-based varnish. Indoor varnishing of floors, furniture and other wooden furnishings.

Fast-drying varnish that provides a very durable surface with good surface resistance. Adheres to certain types of plastic, including PVC.

GUIDELINES FOR FURNITURE FACTS: Meets requirement categories 1, 2 and 3. The surface test varies with the color. Separate furniture fact testing can be requested.

Application area Furniture, Stairs, Flooring

Recommended substrate Hardwood, Softwood



The surface should be well sanded to reduce fiber raising. Previously varnished surfaces should be thoroughly sanded to a matt finish. The wood must be free of wood dust and dirt.

Application method Mohair roller, Brush, Spraying.

Recommended application rate 2 x 100 g/m²

Application Stir thoroughly before use.

Application conditions

Should not be applied and dried at temperatures below +18 °C. Regarding assessment of effective ventilation, it is advisable to contact a Teknos consultant. When using water-based varnishes on dark wood types, less “glow and depth” can be expected than when using solvent-based varnishes. Wood types containing tannic acid such as oak may cause some smoke staining. Before final varnishing, a test varnishing and tape test is recommended.

Drying time +20 °C / 60 % RH

- stackable Approx. 2 hours

- sand dry Approx. 1 hour

- forced drying

Min. +40 °C / 60 % RH:

- stackable: approx. 45 min

- sand dry: approx. 30 min.

Drying times are based on an applied quantity of 100 g wet varnish per m² and effective ventilation. After forced drying, the items must be cooled down to below +30 °C before stacking.

Drying method Air or oven drying.

Cleaning can be done with water, TEKNOCLEAN 1949-00

Fast-drying varnish that provides a very durable surface with good surface resistance. Adheres to certain types of plastic, including PVC.

GUIDELINES FOR FURNITURE FACTS: Meets requirement categories 1, 2 and 3. The surface test varies with the color. Separate furniture fact testing can be requested.

Application area Furniture, Stairs, Flooring

Recommended substrate Hardwood, Softwood



The surface should be well sanded to reduce fiber raising. Previously varnished surfaces should be thoroughly sanded to a matt finish. The wood must be free of wood dust and dirt.

Application method Mohair roller, Brush, Spraying.

Recommended application rate 2 x 100 g/m²

Application Stir thoroughly before use.

Application conditions

Should not be applied and dried at temperatures below +18 °C. Regarding assessment of effective ventilation, it is advisable to contact a Teknos consultant. When using water-based varnishes on dark wood types, less “glow and depth” can be expected than when using solvent-based varnishes. Wood types containing tannic acid such as oak may cause some smoke staining. Before final varnishing, a test varnishing and tape test is recommended.

Drying time +20 °C / 60 % RH

- stackable Approx. 2 hours

- sand dry Approx. 1 hour

- forced drying

Min. +40 °C / 60 % RH:

- stackable: approx. 45 min

- sand dry: approx. 30 min.

Drying times are based on an applied quantity of 100 g wet varnish per m² and effective ventilation. After forced drying, the items must be cooled down to below +30 °C before stacking.

Drying method Air or oven drying.

Cleaning can be done with water, TEKNOCLEAN 1949-00

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Teknocoat Aqua 1879-03 Ts0025 Clear

  • Stock: Delivery 4-5 working days• Order item
  • Item no.: 1879-03-TS0025
  • Unit: 18 L
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