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Teknocoat Aqua 1879-21 Clear Hy 0010

About the product

Water-dilutable varnish Polyurethane-reinforced, water-dilutable varnish. Indoor painting of floors, furniture and other wooden fixtures.

Fast-drying varnish that provides a very hard-wearing surface with good surface resistance. Adheres to certain types of plastic, e.g. PVC.

GUIDED FURNITURE FACTS - Area of use: Chairs/beds/shelves: Extra high requirements Tables: High requirements Less exposed surfaces: Extra high requirements.

Area of application Furniture, Stairs, Flooring Recommended substrate Hardwood, Softwood

Gloss (60°) Matt

Teknocoat Aqua 1879-21 Clear Hy 0010

  • Stock: 2 in stock
  • Item no.: 1879-21-HY0010-18
  • Unit: 18 L
Limited quantity - item is being omitted
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