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Teknocryl Aqua 2730-15

About the product

Teknocryl Aqua 2730-15 is an air-drying, water-dilutable topcoat in dipping quality.APPLICATION Topcoat for steel and primed surfaces. 

SPECIAL PROPERTIES Provides a glossy surface that is elastic, weather-resistant and gloss-resistant. Is resistant to oil and water. 

Drying time at +23 °C / 50 % RH Flash off: 30 min.

Drying time at +40 °C / 50 % RH 1 hour

Shade Produced in all desired shades, possibly with reference to RAL, NCS S or similar. Primer TEKNOCRYL AQUA 2750 and TEKNOCRYL AQUA 2780 INERTA PRIMER 3210 INERTA MASTIC 3280


Application conditions The surface to be painted must be dry. During application and curing, the temperature of the air, the paint and the surface must be above 10 °C and the relative humidity below 80%.

Application Dipping

Dilute Water

Indicative viscosity DIN-cup 4 mm 20 °C 30-35 s

  • Industries: Industrial Metal Finishing
  • Brand: Teknos
  • Color: RAL 9005
  • Supplier item no.: 1245462
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Teknocryl Aqua 2730 Ral 9005 Black

  • Stock: Delivery 3-4 working days• Order item
  • Item no.: 2730-02-180
  • Unit: 180 L
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