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Tz9935/R2 Pu Topcoat Pigmented White Ral 9010 Hr Gloss 35

About the product

Tz9935/R2 is a ready-mixed PU topcoat in RAL 9010 in gloss 35. Used on wooden surfaces, furniture, panels, etc. Tz9935 is odorless and has good filling capacity. Can be applied with Airmix and airless spray guns.

Safety and enviroment


    Flammable Gases Self-reactive Substances and Mixtures Flammable Solids
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Tz9935/R2 Pu Topcoat Pigmented White Ral 9010 Hr Gloss 35

  • Stock: 41 in stock
  • Item no.: TZ9935/R2-10
  • Unit: 10 KG
Limited quantity - item is being omitted